Project Domain / Category
Computer Systems and Networks
Virtualization is hot topic in ICT industry and has quite healthy future. Although there are various global computing service providers like amazon, Google, Microsoft etc. whose services are available everywhere, however there are active concerns for the data regulation and security over continental internet traversal of in various countries so many of the enterprises or business who opt for computing as services for faster startup or reduce their ICT investments, they prefer to buy such services from local providers. Unfortunately, currently in Pakistan there is very little or almost no such providers offering the IAAS/PAAS/SAAS services.
This project aims to create necessary skills and working knowledge in virtual universities ‘s undergraduate students on various infrastructure virtualization techniques and creating suitable environment for quick deployments.
Furthermore, it will provide students an opportunity to learn latest trends in the ICT industry and services. Skills learnt in this project will help students to initiate new ventures in computing services after completing their degree program.
Functional Requirements:
1. Prepare a server to provide virtualized resources (OCI/VM/Kubernetes/Any).
a. Each running instance of OS, Server or Applications must provide complete isolation in process space, logs etc. every instance must b be secure on system and network.
b. Servers access must be provided via SSH or any other secure tunnel method
c. Desktop access must be provided with some secure remote desktop app
d. All services must be running in background on server
e. Server should only provide a page to show the cpu/memory/disk utilization of each user
f. Allow user to control the OS installation (optional)
2. Develop portal where user can register (username , password, user validation etc.)
3. Subscribe to services
a. Free basic package ( Computing or Webservice)
b. Paid Basic Package ( Computing or Webservice)
c. Paid Advanced Package ( Computing or Webservice)
4. Quick deployment of Computing Services
5. Monitor Processor utilization, Space Utilization and Memory utilization and restrict the access to host resources as per subscription
6. Notify users when the load or space utilizations increases the limits
7. Unsubcription should only allow the access cessation, user data should not be deleted for at least for 3 days
8. Before deleting user data, Notify customer the data is going to permanently deleted
9. Basic Dashboard showing Individual resource utilization
10. Ticket Support
11. Chat Support
Project Guidelines: Students may form a multidisciplinary group like (Project Specialist , Systems & Network Specialist, Web Development)
No of Students : As per Role , no more than 3
Project Success and Student Success to be evaluated independently Evaluation (Student Contribution Grade = 80%) o Project Success = 20% Max
o Role Success = 60% MAX
o Team Feedback = 5% (Max)
o Quality of Work = 5% (MAX)
o Role Documentation = 5% (MAX) o Total = Project Success Grade + Role Success Grade + Team Feedback Grade + Quality Of Work Grade + Role Documentation Grade o Final Project Report is responsibility of Project Specialist
Tools: Example: Virtualization Tools (OCI/VM/Kubernetes/rkt etc.)
Operating Systems : Linux/Unix/WIN (Debian, Ubuntu/Kubuntu , etc.) Unix Systems Programming :C/C++/Any Server side programming/Scripting language: PHP/ASP/ SHELL/PERL/PYTHON/JS/ANY Scripting and styling languages: SHELL/PERL/PYTHON/JS/ANY
Client side scripting: JavaScript/JQuery/Any Database: MYSQL/MSSQL/Any IDE: ECLIPSE/Any
Local host Server: LAMP/WAMP/Any Custom Setup


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